web watcher

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Online shopping is becoming more and more popular these days,I mean lets face the facts it's a lot easier to punch a few keys on a keyboard than it is to get dressed,get in the car and drive to the store,oh that's if your car starts,if it dont need gas,thats another hassle all in it's self.Then you have to hope the store has the item you are looking for,if not you have to go to another store,waste that gas and hope they have it.Oh and if it's cold out theres just one more thing you have to deal with.So thats why it's better to shop online if it's possible.
Ok lets look at the hassles of shopping online.First you have to think of the stores that carry what you want,then if they have a website, you go to each one and check for the item and compare prices. this may take some time(going to each different store back and forth).It would be much easier to go to one website that listed a bunch of stores that carry the same item.Well now you can www.ushopemall.com does just that.They have hundreds of stores in different categories such as: autoparts,mens and wemons cloths,health and beauty,eye glasses.pet supplies, and many more.The best thing is you can go to several different stores from this one site at the same time in different windows,all you do is go to the site,go to the stores page(the stores are displayed as icons some of them even tell you if that store has free shipping or sales going on at the time,cool!)then just click on the store you want to shop at, it will open in it's own window,hit the back button on your browser to go back to the site and pick another store,repeat this for as many stores as you want,then just click on each tab to compare all the stores at once.
It also has a classifieds page where misc. things are put for sale, theres even an arcade to play games inbetween shopping, other pages list products and services from merchants and vendors there is a wide variety on this page as well.The site is constantly adding more stores and products so you'll most likely find what you need here.I think it's a cool idea as far as e-malls go.

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